The seed sector partners with organizations like Fair Planet whose mission is to provide smallholder farmers in developing countries with means to exit the cycle of poverty through access to improved vegetable seeds & farming solutions that are suitable for their specific needs & farming capacities. They collaborate with 7 globally leading seed companies: LIMAGRAIN, Enza Zaden, Syngenta, East-West Seed, Bayer, BASF and SAKATA, and have a unique access to their best seed-solutions.
Together with experts from local agricultural universities & extension staff from the Ministries of Agriculture, Fair Planet performs on-farm trainings & builds a sustainable Ag-Tech-Transfer bridge that dramatically increases the productivity & income of smallholder farmers, and has a proven scalable & durable impact.
This makes them #FoodHeroes, Seed Heroes!

Photos courtesy of Fair Planet.
1) Dr. Shoshan Haran, Fair Planet Founder & Operation Manager, during an on-farm extension visit to a smallholder farmer at Beki Halo, Dire Dawa region, Ethiopia.
2) Hila Kedem, Fair Planet Project Coordinator for East Ethiopia, at an on-farm extension visit to a smallholder farmer at Biyo awale, Dire Dawa region, Ethiopia.
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